Monday, May 13, 2013


We're getting ready to get some new windows installed in our home because ours are 34 years old and you can hardly see out of some of them. Trust me, they are beyond trying to clean. I am SO excited to get pretty new windows with white trim {instead of the ugly brown we currently have} and it's put me in the mood to update the whole outside of our home. Now, these things will cost money and time, but I have been saving ideas on what we could do to our outdated home. You can see in the picture below that we have reddish-brown brick,  brown trim around the doors and windows, and this ugly brown shade of wood for siding. Could it be hardboard siding? I don't know, but our realtor told us we wouldn't be able to sell the house with it because it's not FHA approved. So eventually, we will have to replace it.

I have ideas spinning in my head and they all include painting that brick. Should we whitewash it? Should we paint it a light gray? What about the new siding, what color should that be? Of course, the trim will be white. Our roof is new, so that's not going anywhere. Some of my ideas came from these pictures, some from Pinterest, some from
This is my absolute favorite image of whitewashed brick. I love how faded it looks.

See how charming it looks? I couldn't find many existing pictures of houses with half brick/half siding, but these pictures helped me to see colors together.
This one I like because of the neutral brick, which would let me do any color shutters: white, black, a darker gray, etc.
 I love the gray brick in this picture with the black shutters; it would match the roof and look great! I could do a fun door color, like turquoise! ;)
What do you guys think? I'm torn! We don't have to make a decision now, but I am a planner & I like to know where we're headed before we get there :)