Well, we started working on the guest room that will soon become our second daughter's room. Between my husband working, me babysitting and taking care of our daughter and my preggo self, and life in general, it has taken us awhile to accomplish what "little" we have done. And I know that all the work that went into this room so far is not a "little" task, but compared to what we still have to do, it kind of is. We cleared out the room, which you can read about here and then my husband and his brother ripped out all of the existing sheet rock and the exterior insulation. We did this mostly because when we first moved in, we found out we had termites and they had started to bite through the sheet rock in this room. Our main concern with changing this room into a nursery was to make sure there was no termite damage to the 2 x 4's. And there wasn't! So the new sheet rock and insulation went in the same day it came out and then my mom and I went in and did some mudding over the nails and seams. Here are pictures of what we have done so far.
{The room without sheet rock & insulation}
{Closet view}
This is the room after the sheet rock and mudding happened.
{Please excuse our daughter. She loves to have her picture taken}
{Also, excuse the weird stain spots we found on the sheet rock after bringing it home}
{This is the closet with the boxed up crib inside. Can't wait to take it out!}
We still have to sand down some of the mudding and do another layer in some areas, but after that, it's time to prime & paint! I'll post as progress is made. I wish I could just show you before & after pictures now, but sadly it takes us forever to complete a project.